Monday (24/6/2024)
Today was my first day of work experience at YO Bendigo, we started off with a meeting in the blue room where I got to meet other team members with pretty cool jobs. After that, we walked around to get coffee at the Old Green Bean but it was shut so we walked down to another café. Once we came back inside, I got to look at some of the Ambedo magazines which are pretty cool. Jesse showed me how to use a website called where they brainstorm for magazines and other ideas. I was pretty stuck on what to write about but I came up with a few ideas and I ended up writing about pet lizards and how to take care of them as well as my lizard. Towards the end of the day, I helped Jesse fill up some bean bags the beans went everywhere!
Tuesday (25/6/2024)
Today was awesome, I got some help fixing up my resume, and started to do another article on moon phases and how they can affect you. I also got a bit more of a chance to look at YO Bendigo’s website and had a talk with Leon about what the Youth Council is and how they work. I also got a chance to figure out how to use Canva and tried to make an end-of-year party invitation for everyone who has volunteered or worked with the team and helped hold the events. I also got to sit in on two of the meetings that were on that night one for the Events volunteers and the other for Ambedo. I got a better understanding of how the events are put together and how much time it actually takes. I felt very welcomed and included in their conversations and found it pretty cool that the events were set up by younger people. In the Ambedo meeting I found out some pretty cool stuff and that there is a lot of time and effort put into making the magazines and each person’s story can be completely different I really liked how everyone was open to new ideas and didn’t shut anybody down.
Wednesday (26/6/2024)
We started off the day with a team meeting in the Galkangu (GovHub) across the road, they gave me a visitor pass to scan on these really fancy security gates to let me in which was pretty cool. After meeting some new people, we started the meeting, it was a good experience to be able to sit in and listen to what everyone had to say. Later I put up posters about the Mission Australia youth survey around the YO Bendigo building. I made up some more drafts of the invitations for the end-of-year YO Bendigo party. I also planned out a time to do an interview for the Ambedo magazine with Zak who is in a local band called Psychosybin.
Thursday (27/6/2024)
Ella and I started the morning by going around and handing out Ambedo magazines to businesses in Bendigo, we started at Axis Employment and then went over to Bendigo TAFE, Anglicare, Crooked Kitchen, Get Naked Espresso bar, Hoogah, and then the Capital Theatre. After that, we came back and I made some more designs for YO’s end-of-year party finally getting my head around Canva. My designs are now starting to look a bit better. Then I made some final touches to my Moon phases article with Leon and found some photos to add in. After Ella showed me how the YO website works, I watched her edit and update the page as she added some new posters so people can see what workshops will be happening soon.
Friday (28/6/2024)
Today is my last day at YO Bendigo and I’m really sad to be going, it has been an amazing week, I have got to meet a lot of cool people who have made me feel very respected and welcomed. As time went on I got way more comfortable with talking and sharing my ideas with them. I have really enjoyed doing things for Ambedo however I wish I got to do a little more with the events because that was something that I was interested in. I started off today by writing an artist profile for Ambedo. Jesse and I had a talk about volunteering for YO Events which is something that I think would be pretty cool and I might be able to do. After lunch I started making some NAIDOC week posters on Canva, then later on towards the end of the day Jesse and I did more bean bags which is always super fun, by the time we had finished cleaning up our mess it was time for me to go. I am very grateful to be able to have had the chance to do work experience here at YO, thank you to everyone who has welcomed me in and helped me with my tasks along the way!