Services for Young People

Hey there! YO Bendigo is all about connecting young folks like you with the services and groups you're looking for. We've got a bunch of awesome people from Greater Bendigo working hard to help you out.

We know there are so many groups, services, and info for you, your caregivers, and your families to check out, but it can feel like a maze sometimes. No worries! We've got this page to link you up with CONNECT Greater Bendigo and all its amazing resources. The below list does not cover all the CONNECT Greater Bendigo has to offer but represents a sample of shortcuts. Let's explore and find what you need together!


addiction support


creative groups


education and learning


Employment Services


environment and sustainability


Health Services




Mental Health


Sports Club




Click Here for crisis support

If you were not able to find an area that covered what you needed. Click the button below and search for what you need yourself.

Connect Greater Bendigo